DESCRIPTION: Créer, mettre à jour ou supprimer une offre


URL STRUCTURE : {{URL}}/offers?api_key={{SHOP_KEY}}
QUERY PARAMETERS : shop_id - This parameter should be used when your user has access to multiple shops. If not mentioned, the shop_id from your default shop will be used.

INPUT : OffersBean - [required] List of representation of offers


  "offers": [{     "available_ended": Date,     "available_started": Date,     "description": String,     
"discount": {       
"end_date": Date,       
"price": Number,       
"start_date": Date     },     
"internal_description": String,     
"logistic_class": String,     
"min_quantity_alert": Number,     
"offer_additional_fields": [{       
"code": String,       
"value": String     }],     
"price": Number,     
"price_additional_info": String,     
"product_id": String,     
"product_id_type": String,     
"quantity": Number,     
"shop_sku": String,     
"state_code": String,     
"update_delete": String   }]
    <offer> [zero or N]       
<offer_additional_field> [zero or N]           


Attributes details

offersoffer [zero or N]truefalse 


available_endedxsd:datetimetruetrueEnd date of the period of availability


available_startedxsd:datetimetruetrueStarted date of the period of availability


descriptionxsd:stringtruetrueDescription of the offer


discountdiscountfalsetrueDiscount of an offer


end_datexsd:datetimefalsetrueDiscount end date


pricexsd:decimalfalsetrueDiscount price


start_datexsd:datetimefalsetrueDiscount start date


internal_descriptionxsd:stringtruetrueInternal description of the offer




min_quantity_alertxsd:inttruetrueMinimum quantity of the offer


offer_additional_fieldsoffer_additional_field[zero or N]falsefalseAdditional fields of the offer


codexsd:stringtruefalseCode of the additional field


valuexsd:stringtruefalseValue of the additional field


pricexsd:decimaltruefalsePrice of the offer


price_additional_infoxsd:stringfalsetruePrice additional information of the offer


product_idxsd:stringtruetrueReference of the product associated with the offer


product_id_typexsd:stringtruetrueReference type of the product associated with the offer


quantityxsd:inttruefalseQuantity available of the offer


shop_skuxsd:stringtruefalseSku of the offer


state_codexsd:stringtruefalseState of the offer


update_deletexsd:stringtruetrueUpdate delete flag. Could be empty (means "update"), "update" or "delete".


OUTPUT : Offer import tracking information
  "import_id": Number,
  "product_import_id": Number


PRODUCES : application/json

CONSUMES : application/json

HTTP RETURN CODES : 201 - Success

HTTP RESPONSE HEADERS : Location - URL of the new import